Today we were joined by Christine Major, General Manager of Portage and District Recycling Inc. pictured here on the left along with PDRI Board chair and fellow rotarian Gord Sellinger. Christine reminded us of the wide array of recycling that is available to us here in the city of Portage la Prairie as well as the large rural area they also serve. Household blue/green box is collected via their curbside pick up program and residents are able to drop off at their depot on a 24/7 basis the following (to name but a few); e-waste items such as TVs and radios, computer monitors, desktop computers,laptops,printers,DVD players/VCRs/stereos,phones,scanners/copiers/fax machines, microwaves, batteries, household hazardous waste,
tires, oil, antifreeze, filters & containers. She also shared with us that their organization is constantly looking at ways to introduce more recycling opportunities to our region with the goal of keeping as much as possible out of the land fill. Please visit the PDRI website at for a full listing of the services they provide. Thanks for joining us today and thank you to your team for this very important service they provide to our community.